If I did this project again, I would probably go that route first. I ended up getting the one pictured above (and below) for $2.99 and it came with 48 pages, which I think made up for the price just in ink I didn't have to print. If you want a bigger variety, or you have multiple kids and want some in different skill levels, you can buy Hidden Pictures books for very cheap.
Free printable hidden pictures free#
I was only able to find about 3 sites that have free printables, but it's enough to get you started. And then I bought the Scotch and it made me happy. If you buy one on Amazon, just DON'T buy the Apache. I tend to laminate everything these days 🙂 If you don't already have your own laminator, you can get one really cheap (around $25-30). Also, lamination is great because if you kids want to also color them, the laminated pages work great with dry erase crayons or dry erase markers.

I laminated them because I want them to last more than one time. Also, if you keep them bound together with a little binder clip like I do, you can easily swap them out with new ones when your kid gets bored or conquers the current ones. If you have young kids, find simple printables, and if you have older kids, find some more challenging ones. No crayons, no pencils, just a detecting eye and a sense of adventure! You can also use this with a variety of ages. There are several reasons why these rock: First, you can keep them in your car and pull them out in desperate moments, and you don't need anything extra to use them. We are going to Disneyland this summer, so I am adding these booklets to their car kits. “ I wonder if I could find some free printables and laminate them for her?” Sure enough, I found some online! I got to work and started laminating them and making little flip books out of them. She loved looking for the different pictures and pointing them out. My 3-year old came upon a Hidden Pictures page the other day and was enthralled with it.